Map 1 Dark
Rough Tiny Wild Boars - Lvl 3 Coins,
Small Jaw Dappled Spider - Lvl 3 Coins,
Short Tail Black Puma - Lvl 3 Coins,
Map 1 Light
Thief Monkey - Lvl 3 Coins,
Fox- Lvl 3 Coins,
Small Thief Monkey- Lvl 3 Coins,
Lvl 3 Coins (700.000 Gold)
1-15 PvP Map
All mobs drop fortune coins lvl4( drop rate 100 %), accesorry lapis lvl 2 and noss lvl1
Sirvana in 1-15 drop dread gear, wepons and accesory at 20 % drop rate, 1-70 gear and Perfect Lapis lvl1 at 50% drop rate.
Sirvana spawn every 30 minutes near altar.
Altar Proelium
Holywater of Proelium 100%;
Mounts for lvl 1-15 and lvl58 at 20% drop rate;
Funny Hats at 100 % drop rate.
20-30 PvP Map
All mobs in Canta drop:Fortune Coins lvl 4 (100 % drop rate), accessory lapis lvl 2, and noss level 2
Silvanus in 20-30 drop legendary gear, wepons , Perfect Lapis lvl2 and accesory at 50 % drop rate.
Silvanus spawn every 30 minutes near altar.
Altar Cantabillian
Holywater of Cantabilian 100 %
Mounts for lvl 1-15 and lvl 58 at 20 % drop rate.
Masks and Mounts 100%
Dinosaurs drop lvl 2 accessory , noss level 3, lvl8,9 lapis and fortune coins lv4 at 100 % drop rate
Secreta drop 6 donation items (2 pieces of armor, 1 piece of wepon for darks, 2 pieces of armor and
1 piece of wepon for lights) at 50 % drop rate every 2 hours
Secreta spawn every 2 hours near bridge in jungle
Deep Desert 1
Mobs in deep desert 1 drop lvl 2 accessory , noss level 3, lvl8,9 lapis and fortune coins lv4 at 100 % rate
Secreta drop 6 donation items (2 pieces of armor, 1 piece of wepon for darks, 2 pieces of armor and
1 piece of wepon for lights) at 50 % drop rate every 2 hours
Secreta spawn every 2 hours near lake in Deep Desert 1.
Dios drop 4 donation items (2 tops for darks, 2 tops for light) at 50 % drop rate and donation capes at 20 % drop rate;
Dios spawn every 6 hours near lake in Deep Desert 1.
Kanos Ilium (PvP)
(Cruor, Animus, Etain) drop 3 lapis lvl9 at 100% drop rate each
Kimuraku and Greendieta Seraphim drop 3x Perfect Lapis lvl 3 at 50 % drop rate
D-Water altars
Altars in D-Water drop 3 lvl8 lapis each at 100 % drop rate